Tuesday, January 1, 2013

a rich & fulfilling life.

I have thought a lot about 2013 and what I am looking for in the New Year. It's hard to imagine everything that will take place in the next year, but I as I look ahead I know for certain that I want one thing and that's a rich and fulfilling life, one that is of balance and happiness, new experiences and new beginnings, positivity and adventure, challenge and sweetness, a life that I can look back at and be glad I lived. 

So here's to having everything and being able to live the live we all want. There is nothing stopping any of us from dreaming dreams and living a wholesome and rewarding life. This is what I plan to do in the next year to satisfy my desires and free spirit and live a life that I find both rich and fulfilling....

experiment with foods that are both natural, delicious & good for both body & soul. 

read more, write more, inspire more...

embrace my love of fashion each & every day. 

savor & indulge in the simplest moments. 

find balance & release in exercising daily. 

dream, imagine & create beautiful things. 

Cheers to a wonderful 2013...

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