Thursday, November 1, 2007

Easy Sleazy

Does it seem like everywhere you go, everyone looks the same???? Trends are one of those Catch 22's, you want to sport the latest fashions but not get lost in the crowd. So heres to those that try to rise above the rest and search long and hard for the unique items that no one else has. For me its a drive, I hate to look like the person next to me. I want to know that I am truly the only one out there that is wearing what I am wearing at that exact moment. It may sound weird and a little neurotic but hey it's fun! I am a lover of creative things, creative fashion, breaking the rules and finding what makes you stand out. Whether you agree, would like some fashion advice, need my good taste or stumbled here out of the blue. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Liz Chapman said...

I DEFINITELY need fashion advice. Can't wait to read more! Love you!

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